Answers to Exercises

4 R Syntax

# 3.  Calculate the sum of 2 and 3.

2 + 3

# 4.  Evaluate if 0.5 is equal to 1 divided by 2.

0.5 == 1 / 2

# 5.  Define a variable that is is 98.6 degrees in Fahrenheit. 

fahrenheit_temp <- 101

# 6.  Construct an if-else statement to determine if the temperature indicates a fever (temperature greater than or equal to 100). If it does print "The temperature indicates a fever." If the temperature is less than 100, print "The temperature does not indicate a fever." (hint: to print "ok", the function is print("ok"))

if (fahrenheit_temp >= 100){
  print("The temperature indicates a fever.")
  print("The temperature does not indicate a fever.")

# 8.  Create a function to test if a temperature is a fever called `fever_checker` the prints above, but can be reused

fever_checker <- function(fahrenheit_temp) { 
  if (fahrenheit_temp >= 100){
    print("The temperature indicates a fever.")
    print("The temperature does not indicate a fever.")

# 9.  Use similar logic to print if a temperature is the homeostatic range for human beings (97.7–99.5).

homeostatic_range_check <- function(fahrenheit_temp){
  if (fahrenheit_temp >= 97.7 && fahrenheit_temp <= 99.5){
    print("In homeostatic range!")
  } else{
    print("Outside homeostatic range!")

# 10. Advanced exercise... add TRUE / FALSE returns (i.e. return TRUE, return FALSE) to the functions and create a function that combines both called `temperature_check`. That gives us info on the what our temperature means (i.e., is it homeostatic, is it a fever, are we possibly dead (temperature way too low??)
# ...

5 R Objects

# John Doe
# 2023-06-02
# Institution Inc.
# Data Object Exercises

# 1.  Construct the following vector and store as a variable.

str_gbu <- c('red', 'green', 'blue')

# 2.  Extract the 2nd element in the variable.


# 3.  Construct a numerical vector of length 5, containing the AREA of circles 
#     with integer RADIUS 1 to 5. Remember PEMDAS.

area <- (1:5) ^ 2 * pi

# 4.  Extract all AREA greater than 50.

area[which(area > 50)]

# 5. Create a data.frame consisting of circles with integer RADIUS 1 to 5, and their AREA.

radius <- 1:5

df <- data.frame(
  radius = radius,
  area = (radius) ^ 2 * pi


# 6.  Extract all AREA greater than 50 from the data.frame.

w <- which(df$area > 50)

5 R Objects MORE

# John Doe
# 2023-06-02
# Institution Inc.
# More Data Object Exercises

# Exercise #1 -- Working with Variables You are running an LC-MS experiment 
#     using a 60 min LC gradient

# 1.1 Create a variable called gradient_min to hold the length of the gradient 
#     in minutes.

gradient_min <- 60

# 1.2 Using the gradient length variable you just created, convert it to seconds 
#     and assign it to a new variable with a meaningful name.

gradient_sec <- gradient_min * 60

# Exercise #2 -- Working with Vectors

# Continuing from Exercise #1...

# 2.1 Imagine you conducted additional experiments, one with a 15 minute gradient 
#     and one with a 30 min gradient. Create a vector to hold all three gradient 
#     times in minutes, and assign it to a new variable.

gradients_min <- c(15, 30, 60)

# 2.2 Convert the vector of gradient times to seconds. How does this conversion 
#     compare to how you did the conversion in Exercise 1?

gradients_sec <- gradients_min * 60

# Exercise #3 -- More Practice with Vectors

# 3.1 The following vector represents precursor m/z values for detected features
#     from your experiment:

prec_mz <- c(968.4759, 812.1599, 887.9829, 338.5294, 510.2720, 
             775.3455, 409.2369, 944.0385, 584.7687, 1041.9523)

# -   How many values are there?


# -   What is the minimum value? The maximum?


# Exercise #4 -- Vectors and Conditional Expressions

# 4.1 Using the above vector of precursor values, write a conditional expression
#     to find the values with m/z \< 600. What is returned by this expression? A
#     single value or multiple values? A number or something else?

prec_mz < 600

# 4.2 Use this conditional expression to get the precursor values with m/z \< 600

prec_mz[prec_mz < 600]

# 4.3 Consider a new vector of data that contains the charge states of the same 
#     detected features from above:

prec_z <- c(2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)

# -   Write a conditional expression to find which detected features that have 
#     a charge state of 2.

prec_z == 2

# 4.4 Write an expression to get the precursor m/z values for features having 
#     charge states of 2?

prec_mz[prec_z == 2]

6 Tidyverse

  1. Read in the bacterial-metabolites_dose-simicillin_tidy.csv data set.
url <- ""
download.file(url, destfile = "./data/bacterial-metabolites_dose-simicillin_tidy.csv")
dat <- read_csv("data/bacterial-metabolites_dose-simicillin_tidy.csv")
## Rows: 180 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (2): Organism, Metabolite
## dbl (3): Dose_mg, Time_min, Abundance
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
  1. How many organisms, metabolites, dose levels, and time points are in the data? How many rows are in the data table? What is the overall study design?
orgs <- unique(dat$Organism)
n_orgs <- length(unique(orgs))

metabs <- unique(dat$Metabolite)
n_metabs <- length(unique(metabs))

doses <- unique(dat$Dose_mg)
n_doses <- length(unique(doses))

time_pts <- unique(dat$Time_min)
n_time_pts <- length(unique(time_pts))

## [1] 180
nrow(dat) == n_orgs * n_metabs * n_doses * n_time_pts
## [1] TRUE
  1. Which metabolite has the highest overall mean abundance?
dat %>%
  group_by(Metabolite) %>%
  summarize(mean_abundance = mean(Abundance)) %>%
## # A tibble: 4 × 2
##   Metabolite          mean_abundance
##   <chr>                        <dbl>
## 1 phosphatidylcholine      50221415.
## 2 succinic acid             1855206.
## 3 glutamate                 1817320.
## 4 lysine                    1349963.
  1. Does this metabolite have the highest mean abundance for each organism, or is there differences between organisms?
dat %>%
  group_by(Organism, Metabolite) %>%
  summarize(mean_abundance = mean(Abundance)) %>%
  arrange(Organism, desc(mean_abundance))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Organism'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 12 × 3
## # Groups:   Organism [3]
##    Organism     Metabolite          mean_abundance
##    <chr>        <chr>                        <dbl>
##  1 e coli       phosphatidylcholine      67749754.
##  2 e coli       glutamate                 2323045.
##  3 e coli       succinic acid             1906850.
##  4 e coli       lysine                    1519827.
##  5 p aeruginosa phosphatidylcholine      77078132.
##  6 p aeruginosa succinic acid             3525432.
##  7 p aeruginosa glutamate                 2902178 
##  8 p aeruginosa lysine                    2336119.
##  9 staph aureus phosphatidylcholine       5836359.
## 10 staph aureus glutamate                  226736.
## 11 staph aureus lysine                     193944.
## 12 staph aureus succinic acid              133337.
  1. Is there an overall trend of mean abundance values vs. time point? What about abundance vs. dose?
dat %>%
  group_by(Time_min) %>%
  summarize(mean_abundance = mean(Abundance))
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##   Time_min mean_abundance
##      <dbl>          <dbl>
## 1        0      26639946.
## 2       10      11726915.
## 3       20      11929517.
## 4       50       9389061.
## 5      120       9369441.
dat %>%
  group_by(Dose_mg) %>%
  summarize(mean_abundance = mean(Abundance))
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   Dose_mg mean_abundance
##     <dbl>          <dbl>
## 1       0      24454975.
## 2      10       9900030.
## 3      20       7077924.
  1. Using the example code at the beginning of this Chapter (using the Dever climate data), compute a linear fit of log10 abundance vs. time point for each metabolite and plot the results.
dat <- dat %>%
  mutate(log10_abundance = log10(Abundance))

lm_func <- function(data) {
  lm(log10_abundance ~ Time_min, data = data)

dat_lm <- dat %>%
  # dplyr
  group_by(Metabolite) %>%
  # tidyr
  nest() %>%
  # dplyr, purrr: apply the function to each nested data frame
  mutate(model = map(data, lm_func)) %>%
  # dplyr, broom, purrr: extract the coefficients from each model
  mutate(tidy = map(model, broom::tidy)) %>%
  # tidyr
  unnest(tidy) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # dplyr, stringr: clean-up the terms
  mutate(term = term %>% str_replace_all("\\(|\\)", "")) %>%
  # dplyr: retain only specific columns
  select(Metabolite, term, estimate) %>%
  # tidyr: convert from a long table to a wide table
  pivot_wider(names_from = 'term', values_from = 'estimate') %>%
  # dplyr: create a new column with the model slope (better name), just copy Time_min
  mutate(model_slope = Time_min)

ggplot(dat, aes(Time_min, log10_abundance)) + 
  # represent the data as points
  geom_point() +
  # use the linear model data to plot regression lines
  geom_abline(data = dat_lm,
              aes(slope = model_slope, intercept = Intercept)) +
  # plot each year separately 

7 Data Wrangling

# John Doe
# 2023-06-02
# Institution Inc.
# Data Wrangling Exercises

# 1. Download the data.

url <- ""
download.file(url, destfile = "./data/bacterial-Metabolites_dose-simicillin_messy.xlsx")

# 2. Read in the messy bacteria data and store it as a variable.


tbl_bac <- "data/bacterial-Metabolites_dose-simicillin_messy.xlsx" %>% read_excel(col_names = TRUE)

# *In all proceeding exercises, pipe results from previous exercise into current 
#    exercise creating a single lone pipe for data processing*

# 3. Separate `Culture` column containing culture and dose into `culture` and 
#    `dose_mg_ml` columns.

tbl_bac %>%
  separate(Culture, c("culture", "dose_mg_ml"), sep = " dose--")

# 4. Make `dose_mg_ml` column numeric by removing the text and change the column 
#    data type from character to numeric.

tbl_bac %>%
  separate(Culture, c("culture", "dose_mg_ml"), sep = " dose--") %>%
  mutate(dose_mg_ml = gsub("-mg/ml","", dose_mg_ml)) %>%
  mutate(dose_mg_ml = as.numeric(dose_mg_ml))

# 5. Pivot the table from wide to long creating `metabolite`, `time_hr` & `abundance` columns.

tbl_bac %>%
  separate(Culture, c("culture", "dose_mg_ml"), sep = " dose--") %>%
  mutate(dose_mg_ml = gsub("-mg/ml","", dose_mg_ml)) %>%
  mutate(dose_mg_ml = as.numeric(dose_mg_ml)) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = 4:13, names_to = "metabolite_time", values_to = "abundance") %>%
  separate(metabolite_time, c("metabolite","time_hr"), sep="_runtime_")

# 6. Make sure `time_hr` contains just hours and not a mixture of days and hours.

tbl_bac %>%
  separate(Culture, c("culture", "dose_mg_ml"), sep = " dose--") %>%
  mutate(dose_mg_ml = gsub("-mg/ml","", dose_mg_ml)) %>%
  mutate(dose_mg_ml = as.numeric(dose_mg_ml)) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = 4:13, names_to = "metabolite_time", values_to = "abundance") %>%
  separate(metabolite_time, c("metabolite","time_hr"), sep="_runtime_") %>%
    time_hr = case_when(
      grepl("hr", time_hr, = TRUE) ~ as.numeric(gsub("hr", "", time_hr)),
      grepl("day", time_hr, = TRUE) ~ as.numeric(gsub("day", "", time_hr)) * 24

# 7. Remove the `User` column. See the cheat-sheet here: 

tbl_bac %>%
  separate(Culture, c("culture", "dose_mg_ml"), sep = " dose--") %>%
  mutate(dose_mg_ml = gsub("-mg/ml","", dose_mg_ml)) %>%
  mutate(dose_mg_ml = as.numeric(dose_mg_ml)) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = 4:13, names_to = "metabolite_time", values_to = "abundance") %>%
  separate(metabolite_time, c("metabolite","time_hr"), sep="_runtime_") %>%
    time_hr = case_when(
      grepl("hr", time_hr, = TRUE) ~ as.numeric(gsub("hr", "", time_hr)),
      grepl("day", time_hr, = TRUE) ~ as.numeric(gsub("day", "", time_hr)) * 24
  ) %>%

8 Data Visualization

# John Doe
# 2023-06-02
# Institution Inc.
# Data Visualization Exercises

# 1. If not already done, download *Bacterial Metabolite Data (tidy)* to use as 
#    an example data file.

url <- ""
download.file(url, destfile = "./data/bacterial-Metabolites_dose-simicillin_tidy.csv")

# 2. Read in the dataset .csv using the `tidyverse` set of packages.


tbl_bac <- "./data/bacterial-Metabolites_dose-simicillin_tidy.csv" %>% read_csv()

# 3. Create a Metabolite `Abundance` by `Time_min` ...

tbl_bac %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Time_min, Abundance)) + 

# 4. ... facet by `Organism` and `Metabolite`...

tbl_bac %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Time_min, Abundance)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  facet_grid(Metabolite ~ Organism)

# 4. ... adjust the y-axis to log10, color by `Dose_mg`, and add a 50% transparent line ...

tbl_bac %>% 
  mutate(Dose_mg = Dose_mg %>% as.factor()) %>%
  ggplot(aes(Time_min, Abundance)) + 
  geom_point(aes(color = Dose_mg)) +
  geom_line(aes(color = Dose_mg), alpha = .5) +
  facet_grid(Metabolite ~ Organism) +

# 5. ... change the theme to something publishable, add a title, modify the x- 
#    and y-axis label, modify the legend title, adjust the y-axis ticks to show 
#    the actually measured time values, and pick a color scheme that highlights 
#    the dose value...

tbl_bac %>% 
  mutate(Dose_mg = Dose_mg %>% as.factor()) %>%
  ggplot(aes(Time_min, Abundance)) + 
  geom_point(aes(color = Dose_mg)) +
  geom_line(aes(color = Dose_mg), alpha = .5) +
  facet_grid(Metabolite ~ Organism) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("grey", "orange", "red")) +
  scale_y_log10() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = unique(tbl_bac$Time_min)) +
  labs(title = 'Bacterial Metabolite monitoring by LCMS in response to antibiotic',
       subtitle = 'Conditions: metered dose of similicillin',
       x = "Time (min)", y = "LCMS Abundance",
       color = "Dose (mg)") +