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Annotating data

As a part of the Tidyproteomics workflow, we need to update the gene_name and description annotated terms in the data imported from FragPipe. To accomplish this, we will use information from a parsed FASTA file. The parsed FASTA file should contain three columns: protein identifier, term, and annotation.

Updating the gene_name and description annotated terms will allow for easier interpretation and analysis of the data. The gene_name and description attributes provide crucial information about the protein, such as its function and biological role. By updating these attributes with information from the FASTA file, we can ensure that our data is accurate and informative.

The process of updating the gene_name and description annotated terms is simple. First, we will parse the FASTA file to extract the necessary information. Then, we will use this information to update the corresponding attributes in the imported data from FragPipe.

It is important to note that the parsed FASTA file must contain accurate and up-to-date information. If the information in the FASTA file is outdated or incorrect, the updated gene_name and description attributes will also be incorrect. Therefore, it is essential to verify the accuracy of the FASTA file before using it to update the imported data from FragPipe.


# download the data
url <- ""
download.file(url, destfile = "./data/combined_protein.tsv", method = "auto")

# import the data
data_prot <- "./data/combined_protein.tsv" %>% import('FragPipe', 'proteins')

From a FASTA File

Read in a FASTA file using some “un-exposed” methods in the tidyproteomics package.

data_fasta <- "~/Local/data/fasta/uniprot_human-20398_20220920.fasta" %>% 
  tidyproteomics:::fasta_parse(as = "data.frame") %>%
  select(protein = accession, gene_name, description) %>%
    cols = c('gene_name', 'description'),
    names_to = 'term',
    values_to = 'annotation'

data_fasta %>% filter(protein %in% c('P68431', 'P62805'))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   protein term        annotation  
#>   <chr>   <chr>       <chr>       
#> 1 P62805  gene_name   H4-16       
#> 2 P62805  description Histone H4  
#> 3 P68431  gene_name   H3C12       
#> 4 P68431  description Histone H3.1

Notice the gene_name annotations are different from the FASTA than from the FragPipe outoput.

data_prot$annotations %>% filter(protein %in% c('P68431', 'P62805'))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   protein term        annotation  
#>   <chr>   <chr>       <chr>       
#> 1 P62805  gene_name   H4C1        
#> 2 P62805  description Histone H4  
#> 3 P68431  gene_name   H3C1        
#> 4 P68431  description Histone H3.1

We can merge the annotations,

data_new_merged <- data_prot %>% annotate(data_fasta, duplicates = 'merge')

data_new_merged$annotations %>% filter(protein %in% c('P68431', 'P62805'))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   protein term        annotation  
#>   <chr>   <chr>       <chr>       
#> 1 P62805  description Histone H4  
#> 2 P62805  gene_name   H4C1; H4-16 
#> 3 P68431  description Histone H3.1
#> 4 P68431  gene_name   H3C1; H3C12

Or we can replace the annotations,

data_new_replaced <- data_prot %>% annotate(data_fasta, duplicates = 'replace')

data_new_replaced$annotations %>% filter(protein %in% c('P68431', 'P62805'))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   protein term        annotation  
#>   <chr>   <chr>       <chr>       
#> 1 P62805  description Histone H4  
#> 2 P62805  gene_name   H4-16       
#> 3 P68431  description Histone H3.1
#> 4 P68431  gene_name   H3C12

GO Annotations

To obtain GO annotations, you can visit UniProt’s website and search for the proteins of interest, such as human proteins. Once you have found the proteins, you will need to select the “Customize columns” option to access several options, including Gene Ontology.

After selecting Gene Ontology, you will need to choose the desired values, such as molecular function, by clicking on them. Once you have selected your desired values, click on the “Save” button to save your changes.

Figure 1 - UniProt web search for human proteins
Figure 1 - UniProt web search for human proteins

Finally, you can download the table as a TSV file by clicking on the “Download” button. This file will contain all the information you need about your selected proteins, making it easier to analyze and interpret the data.

Now that you know how to obtain GO annotations, you can use this information to enhance your research and analysis. UniProt’s website is a valuable resource for obtaining information about proteins, and the ability to customize columns and select desired values makes it even more useful for researchers and scientists.

Figure 2 - UniProt show table layout with Go annotations
Figure 2 - UniProt show table layout with Go annotations

Read in the TSV file from the downloaded UniProt table.

data_go <- "~/Local/data/uniprotkb_human_AND_reviewed_true_AND_m_2023_10_10.tsv" %>% read_tsv()

#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#>   Entry      Reviewed `Entry Name` `Protein names`  `Gene Names` Organism Length
#>   <chr>      <chr>    <chr>        <chr>            <chr>        <chr>     <dbl>
#> 1 A0A087X1C5 reviewed CP2D7_HUMAN  Putative cytoch… CYP2D7       Homo sa…    515
#> 2 A0A0B4J2F0 reviewed PIOS1_HUMAN  Protein PIGBOS1… PIGBOS1      Homo sa…     54
#> 3 A0A0B4J2F2 reviewed SIK1B_HUMAN  Putative serine… SIK1B        Homo sa…    783
#> 4 A0A0C5B5G6 reviewed MOTSC_HUMAN  Mitochondrial-d… MT-RNR1      Homo sa…     16
#> 5 A0A0K2S4Q6 reviewed CD3CH_HUMAN  Protein CD300H … CD300H       Homo sa…    201
#> 6 A0A0U1RRE5 reviewed NBDY_HUMAN   Negative regula… NBDY LINC01… Homo sa…     68
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: `Gene Ontology (molecular function)` <chr>

We just need to tidy up that data a bit and get it into the format needed for attaching the annotations.

data_go <- data_go %>%
  select(protein = Entry,
         molecular_function = `Gene Ontology (molecular function)`) %>%
  # separate the GO terms so we get 1/row
  separate_rows(molecular_function, sep="\\;\\s") %>%
  # remove the [GO:accession]
  mutate(molecular_function = sub("\\s\\[.+", "", molecular_function)) %>%
  # pivot to the needed format
               names_to = 'term',
               values_to = 'annotation')

#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   protein    term               annotation                                      
#>   <chr>      <chr>              <chr>                                           
#> 1 A0A087X1C5 molecular_function aromatase activity                              
#> 2 A0A087X1C5 molecular_function heme binding                                    
#> 3 A0A087X1C5 molecular_function iron ion binding                                
#> 4 A0A087X1C5 molecular_function oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donor…
#> 5 A0A0B4J2F0 molecular_function NA                                              
#> 6 A0A0B4J2F2 molecular_function ATP binding

Looks great!

data_new_go <- data_prot %>% annotate(data_go)

data_new_go$annotations %>% filter(protein %in% c('P68431', 'P62805'))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   protein term               annotation                         
#>   <chr>   <chr>              <chr>                              
#> 1 P62805  description        Histone H4                         
#> 2 P62805  gene_name          H4C1                               
#> 3 P62805  molecular_function structural constituent of chromatin
#> 4 P68431  description        Histone H3.1                       
#> 5 P68431  gene_name          H3C1                               
#> 6 P68431  molecular_function structural constituent of chromatin

Take it for a test drive by subsetting the data based on a specific annotation term.

data_new_go %>% 
  subset(molecular_function == 'structural constituent of chromatin')
#> Origin          FragPipe 
#>                 proteins (23.96 kB) 
#> Composition     6 files 
#>                 2 samples (control, knockdown) 
#> Quantitation    14 proteins 
#>                 2.7 log10 dynamic range 
#>                 16.7% missing values 
#>  *imputed        
#> Accounting      (3) num_psms num_psms_unique imputed 
#> Annotations     (3) molecular_function description gene_name 

An enrichment plot for “ion binding” for the annotation molecular_function.

data_new_go %>% 
  subset(molecular_function %like% 'ion binding') %>% 
  expression(knockdown/control) %>% 
             .term = 'molecular_function',
             .method = 'wilcoxon') %>%
    .term = 'molecular_function',
    significance_max = 1