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Analysis of Two Samples

One of the most fundamental analyses for quantitative proteomics is the estimation of univariate differences between two samples. Tidyproteomics accommodates two sample analysis using the expression() function, the results of which can be visualized using the plot_volcano() and plot_proportion() visualization functions as shown below. The expression analysis can be accomplished thought the R limma package, or using any two-sample statistical comparison, the default method employs the two-sided T-test. Note, if no values pass the cutoff it will automatically choose the top proteins to display.

It should be noted that this package does not incorporate some of the more recent methods described in literature. These methods could be incorporated in future revisions, or through a user provided function.

Available Methods


Johnston, L. W. “Student’s t-Test.” Journal of Quality Technology 2.4 (1970): 243-245.



(Empirical Bayes)

Ritchie ME, Phipson B, Wu D, Hu Y, Law CW, Shi W, Smyth GK (2015). “limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies.” Nucleic Acids Research, 43(7), e47.

Bioconductor: limma

Alternative Methods


Choi, Meena, Ching-Yun Chang, Timothy Clough, Daniel Broudy, Trevor Killeen, Brendan MacLean, and Olga Vitek. 2014. “MSstats: An R Package for Statistical Analysis of Quantitative Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic Experiments.” Bioinformatics 30 (17): 2524–26.


Zhu, Yafeng, Lukas M. Orre, Yan Zhou Tran, Georgios Mermelekas, Henrik J. Johansson, Alina Malyutina, Simon Anders, and Janne Lehtiö. 2020. “DEqMS: A Method for Accurate Variance Estimation in Differential Protein Expression Analysis.” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics: MCP 19 (6): 1047–57.

Bioconductor: DEqMS

MS -EmpiRe

Ammar, Constantin, Markus Gruber, Gergely Csaba, and Ralf Zimmer. 2019. “MS-EmpiRe Utilizes Peptide-Level Noise Distributions for Ultra-Sensitive Detection of Differentially Expressed Proteins.” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics: MCP 18 (9): 1880–92.

GitH ub: MS -EmpiRe


Sticker, Adriaan, Ludger Goeminne, Lennart Martens, and Lieven Clement. 2020. “Robust Summarization and Inference in Proteome-Wide Label-Free Quantification.” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics: MCP 19 (7): 1209–19.

Bioconductor: msqrob2

Expression Analysis

Input Parameters

parameter description inputs default
log2fc_min the minimum cutoff for displaying 0 to Inf 2
signifi cance_column the column to use for significance
  • a



a dj_p_value
sign ificance_max the minimum cutoff for displaying 1 to 1/Inf 0.05
l abels_column how to label the points any value in annotations, eg gene_name, description protein
show_pannels show the colored areas highlighting significance TRUE / FALSE TRUE
show_lines show the dotted cutoff lines TRUE / FALSE TRUE
s how_fc_scale show the second scale on top converting *l og2 _foldchange to foldchange* TRUE / FALSE TRUE
point_size size of each dot 1/10 to 5 NULL
co lor_positive color for positive expression [any R accepts] (htt%20ps:// r-charts%20. com/colors/) dodgerblue
co lor_negative color for negative expression [any R accepts] (htt%20ps:// r-charts%20. com/colors/) firebrick1

rdata <- hela_proteins %>% 
  normalize(.method = 'loess') %>%

Exporting Results

The results of this analysis are stored in the tidyproteomics data-object and can easily be exported to save as a flat data table or used in an external down stream analysis.

rdata %>% export_analysis(knockdown/control, .analysis = 'expression')
#> # A tibble: 5,187 × 25
#>    protein imputed     n average_expression proportional_expression foldchange
#>    <chr>     <dbl> <int>              <dbl>                   <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 Q15011    0         6           4183224.              0.0000170       25.3 
#>  2 Q5SVJ8    0.333     6            828978.              0.00000338      22.3 
#>  3 F6SA91    0.167     6            994174.              0.00000405      16.8 
#>  4 Q9NXV2    0         6           2768778.              0.0000113       14.0 
#>  5 Q13751    0         6            990356.              0.00000403       6.59
#>  6 Q8TBM8    0.333     6           3005450.              0.0000122        6.31
#>  7 O95833    0.167     6           3047900.              0.0000124        6.02
#>  8 Q9BY50    0         6           1776266.              0.00000723       5.47
#>  9 O00308    0         6            661377.              0.00000269       5.34
#> 10 Q14534    0.333     6           4043660.              0.0000165        4.98
#> # ℹ 5,177 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: log2_foldchange <dbl>, p_value <dbl>, adj_p_value <dbl>,
#> #   normalization <chr>, abundance_control_1 <dbl>, abundance_control_2 <dbl>,
#> #   abundance_control_3 <dbl>, abundance_knockdown_1 <dbl>,
#> #   abundance_knockdown_2 <dbl>, abundance_knockdown_3 <dbl>,
#> #   description <chr>, biological_process <chr>, cellular_component <chr>,
#> #   molecular_function <chr>, gene_id_entrez <chr>, gene_name <chr>, …

Volcano Plot

The default is to plot accoring to adjusted p-value with a Log2 fold-change cutoff of 2 or greater.

rdata %>% plot_volcano(knockdown/control)

The parameters can be adjusted to suit your needs …

rdata %>% plot_volcano(knockdown/control,
                       significance_column = 'p_value',
                       significance_max = 0.01,
                       log2fc_min = 2)

… or desires.

#> Attaching package: 'ggplot2'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:tidyproteomics':
#>     annotate

rdata %>% plot_volcano(knockdown/control,
                       significance_column = 'p_value',
                       significance_max = 0.01,
                       log2fc_min = 2,
                       color_positive = 'orange',
                       color_negative = 'purple',
                       show_lines = FALSE,
                       show_fc_scale = FALSE,
                       show_pannels = FALSE,
                       labels_column = 'gene_name') +
  labs(title = "A nice volcano plot", subtitle = "with great colors")

Proportional Plot

The proportional plot is complementary to the volcano plot and utilizes all the same underlying data. The default is to show both the top 1% (proportion_min = 0.01) along with the values passing the fold-change and significance cutoffs.


rdata %>% plot_proportion(knockdown/control)
#> Warning: ggrepel: 1 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
#> increasing max.overlaps

This plot can likewise also be manipulated like the volcano plot.


rdata %>% plot_proportion(knockdown/control,
                       significance_column = 'p_value',
                       proportion_min = 0.1,
                       log2fc_min = 2,
                       color_positive = 'orange',
                       color_negative = 'purple',
                       show_lines = TRUE,
                       labels_column = 'gene_name')
#>  proportional_expression appears to sum to 1 adjusting values to 100(%)