Pubication Demo
The following is a demonstration workflow for generating the figures from the publication.
Summary Plots
rdata <- rdata %>%
# plot some simple summary stats
plot_counts(destination = "png") %>%
plot_quantrank(destination = "png") %>%
plot_venn(destination = "png") %>%
plot_euler(destination = "png")
Normalization and Imputation
rdata <- rdata %>%
# normalize via several methods, best method will be automatically selected
normalize(c("median","linear","limma","randomforest")) %>%
# impute with a minimum value (this is a knock-out)
# plot visualizations comparing normalization methods
plot_normalization(destination = "png") %>%
plot_variation_cv(destination = "png") %>%
plot_variation_pca(destination = "png") %>%
plot_dynamic_range(destination = "png") %>%
# plot visualizations of unbiased clustering
plot_heatmap(destination = "png") %>%
plot_pca(destination = "png")
Expression Analysis
rdata <- rdata %>%
# calculate the expression between experiment: ko and control: wt
expression(kndw/ctrl) %>%
# plot the expression analysis
plot_volcano(kndw/ctrl, destination = "png", significance_column = "p_value") %>%
plot_proportion(kndw/ctrl, destination = "png")
Enrichment Analysis
rdata <- rdata %>%
# calculate the enrichment of the GO term(s) using the results
# from the expression analysis
enrichment(kndw/ctrl, .terms = "biological_process") %>%
enrichment(kndw/ctrl, .terms = "cellular_component") %>%
enrichment(kndw/ctrl, .terms = "molecular_function") %>%
# plot the enrichment analysis
plot_enrichment(kndw/ctrl, .terms = "biological_process", destination = "png") %>%
plot_enrichment(kndw/ctrl, .terms = "cellular_component", destination = "png") %>%
plot_enrichment(kndw/ctrl, .terms = "molecular_function", destination = "png")
Plot Quantitation-Rank with Log2 Cutoff
# plot an alternate quantitative ranking
rdata %>%
plot_quantrank(display_filter = "log2_foldchange",
display_cutoff = 5)
width = 6, h = 4)
Plot Comparison of Two Expressions
# import the data again to now avoid imputation
rdata <- path_to_package_data("p97KD_HCT116") %>%
# import the data set
import('ProteomeDiscoverer', 'proteins') %>%
# change the labels on the samples containing 'ko'
reassign("sample", "ctl", "ctrl") %>%
reassign("sample", "p97", "kndw")
# run a an expression analysis using a t.test statistical comparison
tbl_expression_ttest <- rdata %>%
expression(kndw/ctrl, .method = stats::t.test) %>%
# export the results table to the assigned object
export_analysis(kndw/ctrl, .analysis = "expression")
# run a an expression analysis using the limma statistical method
tbl_expression_limma <- rdata %>%
expression(kndw/ctrl, .method = "limma") %>%
# export the results table to the assigned object
export_analysis(kndw/ctrl, .analysis = "expression")
# plot the two expression tables two compare similarities between methods
labels_column = "gene_name",
log2fc_min = 1, significance_column = "p_value") +
ggplot2::labs(x = "(log2 FC) Wilcoxon Rank Sum",
y = "(log2 FC) Emperical Bayes (limma)",
title = "Hela p97 KD ~ Ctrl")
width = 6, h = 4)